I fucking hate going to school: The Disheartening Reality of Cheating in School…
I have a deep love for learning, yet my experience with school has been deeply disappointing. Engaging with interesting topics and exploring new ideas has been a source of joy and fulfillment for me. However, my experience with the educational system has been traumatizing. This primarily stems from the fact that I’m surrounded by countless people who are lazy, dishonest, and have a lack of commitment in everything they do.
Cheating is a fundamental betrayal of the principles of education; and even in the principles of life. It’s not just a minor incident that should be ignored; it tarnishes the importance of hard work and intellectual integrity. This is just a shortcut and the start of an evil deed.
There is no valid reason for cheating — cheating is cheating, and it loses the entire value of the educational experience. I know that some of you will find me annoying but, let’s be honest that the presence of laziness and dishonesty among students overshadowed the genuine efforts of those who are committed to learning and finishing a degree. It’s frustrating to know that the enthusiasm I once had in studying was crumpled into pieces by this kind of unjust practice.
As a result, I find myself increasingly losing interest in the educational system as a whole. This situation has left me disgusted. Cheating is not just an individual issue; it’s a systemic problem that affects everyone involved — may it be students or teachers. Addressing it requires a consistent commitment to the values of honesty and hard work. But in the end, I still can’t believe that now, I fucking hate going to school.